The Goal Must Always Be About Improving Driver AND Pedestrian Safety.
Driver safety is not the simplistic practice of sliding behind the wheel of a vehicle and turning on the ignition. Or pressing the starter button. It is truly driver safety and awareness and, as is emphasized during our training, that is a matter of choice. And it is a choice that begins BEFORE you step into the vehicle.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could drive around armored up, insulated from all outside harm? Where nothing could get to us – no matter the impact? But that’s not reality, as our training will demonstrate.
In New Jersey, one of JEM’s offerings is the National Safety Council’s certified Defensive Driving Course. The sessions are delivered in either a one day-6 hour class or, if needed, a two-day class of 3 hours each.
Upon successful completion of the course, the student is entitled to a mandatory reduction in his/her auto insurance premium. Said reduction occurs annually for the three year duration of the certificate earned after the 6 hour training is completed. In addition, if the student happens to have MVC points on his/her license, course completion will also result in up to a two (2) point reduction of those points which can only be applied once every 5 years.
The first step in any training is for the student to acknowledge his or her own strength or weakness. Jones openly introduces herself to her students as an aggressive driver. She rebukes those that chide her, saying she teaches driver training as her punishment. In fact, she tells them, she enjoys her subject and is inspired each time her students relate the impact her teaching has on them or their family or friends.
The DDC also emphasizes how the choices made not only impact you, the driver but your passenger(s). And how there are things that effect your driving that you can control; and things that you can’t control. But that there are ALWAYS decisions you can make that can reduce your driving hazards. And sometimes even save a life.
We can give courses in Spanish too / Podemos ofrecer cursos en Español
JEM offers the DDC 4, 6 & 8 hour training to individuals, groups, corporate clients, etc. throughout New Jersey. Training can include other states than NJ. In addition, we provide discounts to clients who return to us for the renewal of their DDC 6 certificate which has a duration of three years from the date of issuance. But whether a driver chooses to renew his/her certificate or not, we suggest to all to engage in driver training. Such training allows you to remain abreast of the most current driver safety standards versus the “rules of the road”, some of which can actually cause more harm than good when you don’t differentiate. But no matter the option our clients choose, our programs underscore our commitment in achieving a culture of safety – as fellow motorists and/or pedestrians.