JEM Associates Consulting Services is an agency specializing in justice, education and motivation. Our goal is service to our clients in resolving situations effecting their environment, whether professionally or personally, real or perceived, existing or anticipated. This includes, but is not limited to diversity training, discrimination and harassment issues, professional development, employer and employee interaction, community relations, mediation and conflict resolution, investigations and counseling.
Individually, we listen to the client’s concerns and, once the problem is identified, we recommend the best avenue of redress. In the workplace, we evaluate both the workforce and management, we assess existing policies, practices and procedures, and we make recommendations for resolution through training, counseling, and other means. At the client’s request, we will assist in the implementation of our recommendations, monitor the worksite to prevent reoccurrences and provide follow-up with both labor and management if the company so desires.
JEM also provides motivational and issued-related speakers and sessions on various issues including but not limited to the areas of expertise cited above. We also conduct private investigations geared toward achieving resolution, relief and the avoidance of litigation and/or intrusion of external agencies.
JEM has now expanded its services to include various training programs including human resource, professional development and other areas as needed by the client. Newest in JEM’s roster is the Defensive Driving training which is described in detail under the DEFENSIVE DRIVING tab.
The following is a brief summary of JEM’s operation, adaptable to either individual clients, groups, or the corporate/business structure:
- Evaluation – determine existing or potential areas of conflict and the impact. This involves persons/personnel, feelings, beliefs, and concerns; policies, practices and procedures; available or existing avenues of redress.
- Assessment – what is the best way to “fix” the situation (i.e., training of individual, employees, management; developing or clarifying/updating existing policies and procedures).
- Training – developing and implementing workshops and seminars tailored to specifically address the information obtained during the evaluation phase (or based on the client’s expressed needs and concerns).
- Counseling – one on one and/or site visits to assist in monitoring developments and to advise both labor and management; continuing to serve as a resource for additional input and follow-up; mediate and/or resolve areas of dissention.
- Investigation – conduct impartial investigation(s) which will enable the client to determine validity of and/or resolution of issues and/or allegations and best way to proceed.